Thistle is one of the five miniature Shetlands rescued in the middle of May. She is slowly learning to trust people again. She particularly likes eating the ripe blackberries that grow along the edge of her field!

Shakira, along with a small herd of Shetlands, came to the sanctuary because they kept losing their foals and the owner did not know why. He wanted them in a safe place where they would be cared for. When they arrived it was found that one of the Shetlands had a whole shot in her face and it was suspected that the mares may have been used as targets and therefore causing them to lose their foals.

Remy came to the sanctuary an hour before he was going to be destroyed. Remy was a stallion at the time and had been kept shut up in a stable and had become obese. Remy is registered with the British Miniature Horse Society as a ‘Strawberry Roan Few Spot’.

Fern is one of the five miniature Shetlands rescued in the middle of May. Her registered name is Blue Cream. She is a beautiful silver dun colour and is very friendly, loving to be groomed. Fern is the dam of Mouse who was rescued at the same time.

Mouse is one of the five miniature Shetlands rescued in the middle of May. Her registered name is Sugar Mouse and she is the daughter of Fern. When she first arrived Mouse was very nervous and it was not possible to catch her. After a lot of patience, Mouse started coming up to say hello and then quickly learned to enjoy being groomed and made a fuss of. She has a locking stifle joint - which sometimes means that she looks like she is having trouble walking. Mouse is checked regularly by the vet

Pimp came to the sanctuary ten years ago after being rescued with a small herd of foals. He went out on loan and recently returned to the sanctuary. Pimp is only small but believes he is the size of a Shire!

Noodles has lived with Julie for most of his life. He was born blind and the stud did not want to keep him. Noodles has coped very well with his blindness. He used to be ridden, although is now retired. He loves going out in the field every day with his friend Swayze. Noodles loves bananas!

Little Joe was found dumped in one of our fields. We never found out where he came from or why he was dumped. Although he is only small, he has a very big character! Little Joe has been gelded.

Brambles got his name as he was found in a patch of brambles. He was in very poor condition and was riddled with red worm. It took months to bring him back to full health. Brambles is a very gentle, loving pony and enjoys being groomed.