In Loving Memory
of our beloved ponies and horses

Gone but never Forgotten

Julie’s miniature shetland pony, Cecil, who was stolen off her yard at the age of 4-weeks old in 2014 and never found. It is unlikely such a young foal would survive without mum. Cecil was named after Julie's dad who had just passed away. So in memory of Julie's father and her foal Cecil, the sanctuary was named after them and became a registered charity in June 2016.

Story became very ill suddenly and passed away naturally despite our best efforts to make him better. RIP Story, sleep tight x

Blue had to be put to sleep at the RVC. He had heart issues and ulcerated & a ruptured eye, he was one of 10 colts that arrived at the sanctuary and would otherwise have been PTS. He was due to have his other eye removed but after 3 vets at the RVX conferred, they decided at the last minute it was inoperable and would be better for him to be PTS. We did everything we could for him. RIP Blue, goodnight x

Our gentle giant Lottie was put to sleep following the rapid deterioration of her bad leg meaning that she could no longer stand up. Julie acquired Lottie early 2000’s from a friend. It was suspected Lottie had had a fracture in her leg as a foal, that had gone untreated. As a result, suffered problems with lameness on/off throughout her life. These problems worsened as she got older. We will miss you Lottie.

Nutmeg was PTS following the rapid deterioration of her health. She was in her thirties. Nutmeg came to the sanctuary around 2012 with her son, Jimmy, as they simply were no longer wanted, Jimmy was difficult to handle. Nutmeg was a small pony with a big personality. We will miss you so much, Nutmeg – your little whinny when we arrived at the yard, watching you and Jimmy together and those little slurpy sounds you made as you tucked into your dinner. It was a pleasure knowing you. Goodnight x

Mum Sweep & son Sid were put to sleep on vets advice. Sid had 2 huge holes in his heart & neurological problems. He was unable to stand for long & spent long periods lying down. He lost weight and suffered from secondary skin conditions due to a break-down in his immune system. Sweep also suffered from neurological problems & despite being on medication, was in constant pain. She lost her sight & became aggressive to other horses and to humans in the last few weeks of life.Sleep tight together x

Mum Sweep & son Sid were put to sleep on vets advice. Sid had 2 huge holes in his heart & neurological problems. He was unable to stand for long & spent long periods lying down. He lost weight and suffered from secondary skin conditions due to a break-down in his immune system. Sweep also suffered from neurological problems & despite being on medication, was in constant pain. She lost her sight & became aggressive to other horses and to humans in the last few weeks of life.Sleep tight together x

We took in two foals whose owner had lost their grazing and had to part with their horses. They were unable to rehome the foals - Hansel & Gretel. They were 4 months old when they arrived in Sept '18. Inseparable and v cute. Sadly Gretel passed away in her sleep most likely due to holes in heart. Miss you sweetie x

In around 2000 Julie went to pick up a cart and unexpectedly this little podgy Shetland was brought out behind it, apparently, he was included in the price! As you are all aware Julie is brilliant at saying no. Cyril worked on Julie’s livery yard as a riding pony, enjoying hacks and his cart. Retiring in Luton but being awarded an ASBO for constantly taking down the electric fencing! Coming back to Elstree for his final years, & succumbing to arthritis and laminitis. Goodbye, God Bless Cyril

Another gentle giant. Steptoe had an eye removed years ago but lived very happily in Luton until his herd started to push him out & prevent from eating so we brought him to our Radlett field where he had a very happy few months. However, he eventually went blind in his other eye & was very disorientated and distressed. It wasn't fair to keep him going in that state & he was sadly PTS. We miss this big gentle guy, RIP xx

Ceri was a very special miniature Shetland pony who was a firm favourite at our open days due to her sweet and gentle nature. Even when she ‘retired’, Ceri used to join us in the open day paddock when we had visitors – sometimes laying down and having a snooze (with snoring) in the middle of the grooming sessions. She would then follow us on the woodland walk, often stopping to snack on tasty bits of greenery on the way. Ceri – you will be truly missed by so many of us x

Spice was in her late twenties and had come to the end of her time. Spice had a very hard life before she came to us, being passed from pillar to post and through the hands of a notorious dealer. Although very easy to handle and very polite, Spice hated to be caught – never quite regaining her trust in the human race. She lived out her last years with us relaxing with her herd and, in particular, her good friend Charlie.